Democracy Thrives

when fear subsides and the hatred that divides is gone away. I pray the division will end and our actions will send a clear message of good intention to feed the invention of real unity based not on impunity or insincerity, but instead on real caring.

Where’s the sharing? Come on now, let’s listen, let our true souls glisten with the energy of hope and freedom that’s

not based on the lie that skin color matters. Skin is thin and our fears are deep. Break through the veneer and get to the inner

thoughts that drive the division. Make an incision, remove the division of racial indecision. Make it a time to heal.

But first, feel the pain of each other. Stop letting your indifference smother the reality within.

Expose and remove the disease and give time to heal the wounds. Allow yourself to feel the other

thoughts and fears, cares and hopes for the future.

Depose the myths and expose the gifts that we have for each other my sister and mother, father and brother.

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