Lesson 4: Take Responsibility for the face of the world.
“The symbols of today enable the reality of tomorrow. Notice the swastikas and the other signs of hate. Do not look away, and do not get used to them. Remove them yourself and set an example for others to do so.”
Tim Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From The Twentieth Century, 2017.
Symbols matter. They are the outward expression of societal views and represent signs of loyalty to the existing system.
From 1930-33, Joseph Stalin’s oversaw the transformation of the Soviet Union’s agricultural system from one dependent on small peasant farmers to one of Collectivized farms run by the government in order to support rapid industrialization. In order to do this, the larger peasant farms needed to be broken up. The more prosperous peasants who’s land and animals would need to be confiscated to bring Stalin’s policies to life were portrayed as pigs. This symbol was intended to dehumanized them and make them targets of violence from other peasant farmers.
At the same time, the Nazi Party in Germany adopted the symbol of the swastika and used the word “Aryan” to promote itself. They used the sacred symbol of Judaism, the Star of David, to deny basic human rights to German Jews.
Symbols can deify and demonize. We must be aware of them and how they are used by people in power.
Our current situation in the United States is a case in point. The flag of the United States of America, a sacred symbol to Americans, has been co-opted for political reasons to represent opinions and views that are not universally shared by the vast majority of Americans.
I urge you, no I implore you, to proudly display the American flag at your home or office. The symbol of our flag needs to be proudly displayed by all of us. It needs to once again represent all that is good and right and just in this country. It represents immigrants, diversity, compassion, freedom, justice and democracy.

Take back your flag and take back our country. We are being seriously challenged right now. But, we are a courageous, strong and resilient people. We will be ok.
Be well, be strong, be a leader. Hang in there.