Before you go on, an article in the May 8 & May 22 issue of Science News ran with a cover "Awash in Deception: How science can help us avoid being duped by misinformation." In the lead article titled: "The Battle Against Fake News," Alexandra Witze presents five suggestions on how to debunk bad information. They come from the News Literacy Project (see the above link). How to Debunk: 1. Arm yourself with media literacy skills, at sites such as the News Literacy Project (, to better understand how to spot hoax videos and stories. 2. Don't stigmatize people for holding inaccurate beliefs. Show empathy and respect, or you're more likely to alienate your audience than successfully share accurate information. 3. Translate complicated but true ideas into simple messages that are easy to grasp. Videos, graphics and other visual aids can help. 4. When possible, once you provide a factual alternative to the misinformation, explain the underlying fallacies (such as cherry- picking information, a common tactic of climate change deniers. 5. Mobilize when you see misinformation being shared on social media as soon as possible. If you see something, say something.
"Misinformation is any information that is incorrect, whether due to error or fake news. "Disinformation is deliberately intended to deceive." "Propaganda is disinformation with a political agenda." Sander van der Linden Social Psychologist University of Cambridge Source: Science News/May 8, 2021 & May 22, 2021
I’ve been very serious minded for the past six years or so. It started with the arrival of an orange haired dude coming down an escalator and belittling hispanics.
But, there have been things, in fact many things, during that time that have made me happy. I think I’ll make a list. It’ll help brings things back into focus, especially the things that happened before yesterday:
- Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky sticking. his finger in the eye of the bully/tyrant, Vladimir Putin. Kick his frickin’ ass.
- The Dodgers winning the 2020 World Series title (and every game that they win).
- Singing Amazing Grace with my wife at Shiena’s Celebration of Life
- Singing in a live concert for the first time in 2 1/2 years with Peninsula Harmony Chorus
- Singing the Star Spangled Banner live at a minor league baseball game (three times)
- Singing for Anthony and family
- Singing virtually with my church choir
- Singing anywhere for that matter
- Substitute teaching at Cabrillo Middle School
- Backpacking in Yosemite with Kelvin
- Local walks with Meredy
- Donating platelets to the talented and hilarious staff of phlebotomists at the Stanford Blood Center
- Finishing my 100th Vote Forward letter encouraging Texans to vote in the current midterm elections.
- Volunteering on my church TechTeam
- Getting to know my neighbors over backyard wine
- Blogging to clear my head, refresh my mind and interact with a few of my readers
- Donating money, writing letters, contacting politicians trying to get Congress into Democrat(ic) hands. Those things not only make me happy, but they give me hope
- In an odd way, it makes me happy to further expose the continued influence of foreign governments to influence/subvert U.S. elections. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the Saudi-led decision for OPEC to cut oil production were both strategically timed to drive up the price of oil and fuel inflation (pun totally intended) just before aforementioned midterm elections. The goal being to blame the inflation on the sitting Democrat president and draw attention away from Republican incompetence in running a Constitutional democracy.
- Singing
- Bike rides
- Doonesbury ( sp)
- Finally figuring out how my top loading worm composting system works
- Middle schoolers interacting, learning and socializing in person together again.
- Alex Jones owing the Sandy Hook families a billion $$$.
- A Great Horned Owl hanging out in the backyard
- Good health
- Thinking about my parents and how I was raised
- Science
- That there are people out there that are more intelligent and rational than I am
- I’m alive right now and trying to make a positive contribution in a difficult time.
- Friends
- Family
- Elections
- People who where shirts with interesting messages on them
- Generosity
- Kirk Gibson’s 1988 Home run to win Game 1 of the World Series against the A’s
- Truth…the real stuff…the stuff with evidence and facts
- My cat Squeek rubbing against my foot and rolling around in the “Gorilla Hair.”
- Rachel Maddow
- My other cat Smokey laying on my chest nose-to-nose with me
- Singing while bike riding
- Memories of Mom and Dad
- Going to baseball games with friends
- Solving (or at least trying) puzzles of all kinds
- Taking notes and doing research
- Seeing the smiles on other people’s faces
- Disneyland
- Singing “The Hallelujah Chorus” in public
- Hope