
Some of you know that this is shorthand for “What Would Jesus Do?”

My political belief system, in fact my entire belief system is based on the Biblical New Testament teachings of the man known as Jesus of Nazareth. These teachings can be found in the books of Mathew and Luke in the Bible. These teachings are attributed to Jesus. This is important because the teachings of Jesus are the foundation of the Christian religion.

I bring this up right now to make a point about how many Christian denominations have strayed from the core message of Jesus as expressed in the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount and The Sermon on the Plain. The link above goes into some detail on the 10 Beatitudes.

Christianity is at the core of my beliefs, although my religious affiliation has broadened over time. I found that the Christianity of my youth was becoming more dogmatic and less in line with my liberal religious upbringing. Christianity now is a part of my Unitarian Universalist faith.

I urge you to read about the Beatitudes in more detail in the second paragraph link above. As you read them, I encourage you to judge yourself and your political views with them. If you are a Christian, do your current views and political leanings align with the teachings of Jesus? Here is a list of the Beatitudes:

  1. Blessed Are the Hungry
  2. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
  3. Blessed Are the Truly Poor (money and physical resources)
  4. Blessed Are They That Hunger and Thirst for Justice
  5. Blessed Are Those Persecuted for the Sake of Justice
  6. Blessed Are Those Who Weep
  7. Blessed Are Those That Show Mercy (the Meek)
  8. Blessed Are the Single Hearted
  9. Blessed Are the Peacemakers
  10. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart for They Shall See God

As Mr. Spock says, Live Long and prosper.