What Will It Take?

Before you go on, an article in the May 8 & May 22, 2021 issue of Science News ran with a cover "Awash in Deception: How science can help us avoid being duped by misinformation." In the lead article titled: "The Battle Against Fake News," Alexandra Witze presents five suggestions on how to debunk bad information. They come from the News Literacy Project (see the above link).

How to Debunk:

1. Arm yourself with media literacy skills, at sites such as the News Literacy Project (newslit.org), to better understand how to spot hoax videos and stories.

2. Don't stigmatize people for holding inaccurate beliefs. Show empathy and respect, or you're more likely to alienate your audience than successfully share accurate information.

3. Translate complicated but true ideas into simple messages that are easy to grasp. Videos, graphics and other visual aids can help.

4. When possible, once you provide a factual alternative to the misinformation, explain the underlying fallacies (such as cherry- picking information, a common tactic of climate change deniers.

5. Mobilize when you see misinformation being shared on social media as soon as possible. If you see something, say something.

"Misinformation is any information that is incorrect, whether due to error or fake news.

"Disinformation is deliberately intended to deceive."

"Propaganda is disinformation with a political agenda."

Sander van der Linden
Social Psychologist
University of Cambridge

Source: Science News/May 8, 2021 & May 22, 2021

Update: September 22, 2023: This is more important now than ever. Be vigilant and speak in your own way. Love Wins.

Update: McQuade, Barbara, "Attack From Within," 2024. New York Times best seller.

In a first attempt to answer my own question, it will take action from us. The regime that we “elected” is not acting in our best interests. It is, in fact, acting in the best interest of the Chief Dictator, Vladimir Putin. In my eyes, this is traitorous behavior. We are in a cold war with Russia, so treason is on the table for those members of the U.S. government that are aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States of America.

What kind of action you might ask? I’ll admit that even though my commitment to stoicism is strong , there are days, like today, that I flat out failed in my efforts to filter the news that I am seeing and hearing and reading through the filter of the Control question. Today, I was a miserable failure.

I forgive myself for being a miserable failure as a Stoic today (which is now yesterday). It’s ok. This is hard work and it will take many more days, weeks, months and years of hard work to restore rational thought and common sense humanity to a confused nation. I guess I’ll be re-reading and re-practicing what Brigid Delaney is teaching me in her book “Reasons Not to Worry: How to Be Stoic in Chaotic Times.”

One thing I’ve learned along the way on how to deal with moronic insanity that I have no control over is to seek out communities my communities. My church offers me a Small Group Ministry community, a choir community and an Immigrant assistance committee community. I have two other choir communities, a golfing community, a fantasy Baseball community, a community of friends… Who am I missing?

I’m having a series of random, wondering thoughts today, which I suppose is predictable in a news environment that is running pretty randomly since January 20.

I’m wondering about all the Republicans in Congress who have the authority and power to curb the power of a deranged autocrat but refuse, for reasons unknown to me, refuse to use it. They hold more power than even the Supreme Court. I eagerly await the first Republican legislator with a backbone to stand up to the emperor and tell him that he has no clothes on, so speak.

I’m wondering if corporate America is just playing metaphorical ball with the guy with all the power and will revert back to some semblance of whatever humanity they are capable of exhibiting once his term is up. Or is saving all that tax money and a corporate friendly government that doesn’t give a shit about us just too tempting to turn down.

I’m wondering what Vladimir Putin has to do with this mess. I don’t doubt for a minute that there is enough autocratic talent in the Heritage Foundation Right stage a Coup on the U.S., but the evidence is building that he has his hand in it somehow. If we could somehow lose Putin the world would be a much better place.

I’m wonder when it will be the right time for a March on Washington.

A very wise Buddhist friend taught me to say these words to myself when I'm starting to get very angry at someone's actions or words:

"May (insert the name of the person(s) here) be happy.
"May (insert the name of the person(s) here) be healthy and strong.
"May (insert the name of the person(s) here) be at ease.
"May (insert the name of the person(s) here) be at peace.

This too is hard to do. I find that I’m practicing it a lot these days, But, when I do it, somehow I feel better. It reminds me not to place the blame on the person for their actions. The action is coming through them but it is not of them. Credit to Dr. Ysaye Barnwell for that thought.

3 Replies to “What Will It Take?”

  1. Thx, Bruce.
    It makes one wonder why sooooo many supposedly “smart” Americans can be SO DUMB!!!!

  2. What will it take?

    In my opinion, it will take nothing short of a coup by true patriots in the military, who will storm the White House and detain Trump, Vance, Musk, etc. without bail, pending trials for treason.

  3. I think we need to learn to understand all those (47%) who support Trump and agree with what he’s doing! What does that say?
    Let’s don’t be in a war with anyone (hot or cold); lets don’t pose enemies. We are all in this together! We all swim together or we all sink!
    Have you noticed the beautiful clouds recently? So many different formations and constantly changing.

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