My wife helps keep me literate and at least somewhat balanced in my thinking. She points me in the direction of newpaper articles, Blog posts and books that I should read to help me better understand the behavior of humanity. They help.
Sometimes she flips the TV remote over to the evening Fox commentators. She’s right that I need to keep adding ingredients to the recipe that makes up the stew that is my opinion. The stew would get pretty boring if the only ingredient was MSNBC. My wife’s wise advice is very helpful to all of you, especially since I now have the time and the medium to share my recipe with you.
In this time of large scale, paradigm shifting events, there is no shortage of stew recipes out there to choose from. Some of them you’re going to like, some you’re not going to like and others you can take or leave them depending on your mood at the moment. You may or may not like mine. The fact that you are reading my Blog doesn’t mean that you necessarily agree or disagree with me and my taste in stew. But, it does tell me that you, like me, are willing to spice up your recipe and try something new.

The stew analogy comes from the fact that we are trying out one of those packaged meal services. This one is called “Green Chef.” We decided to try it when friends recommended it to us. It is unlikely that we will keep receiving the meal boxes beyond the discounted promotional period, but it is likely that we will include some of the recipe ideas in our own cooking as we add spice to our diets and our lives.
Stay open to new ideas. If you are politically to the right of me, which is very likely considering where I am on the political spectrum, it would give your palate more choices to try out some new ingredients in your stew, say MSNBC or Public Television. For those of you over there with me, it is also good to enhance the flavors of your stew recipe as well. Take some time to read a conservative commentator or take a look at Fox, Newsmax or OAN to get a taste of their stews.
When it is all said and done, all of our individual stew recipes go into the pot with the rest of the stew recipes out there. The spice that you put in may be small, but it is important and it is important that we continue to sample the stew every day and share our ingredients with each other.
Bon appetit!
Bruce, I agree on the need to seek variety in all things. Food and politics. I would suggest avoiding the MSNBC, CNN, FOX, OAN, Newsmax, CBS, ABC, NBC television news channels. They are agenda driven. News is presented in sound bite segments that stays within the narrative they are trying to follow. Far better to seek out long form discussion found within NPR, PBS, News on the web ie: NY Times, Washington Post, Washington Times, LA Times, Time, Heritage, and others. ( if you have time )
The “long form disussions” at John Bergendahl’s sources are all pretty solidly middle-of-the road, as far as I can tell. There are voices to the left of you that are worth hearing as well, like KPFA FM 94.1 and the films produced by Michael Moore.
If you have more time than common sense, you can always drive on the left and right shoulders for fake news, which inform so many peoples’ opinions these days. Watch out for the ditches beyond them.